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Melbourne, Australia


ADA Service

As your everywhere connection, SMART is proud to provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) service for people with disabilities.

What is ADA Service?

ADA Paratransit Service is an advanced reservation, curb-to-curb service that is provided for people who are unable to use SMART’s Fixed Route bus service because of a disability. In order to use this service you must be ADA certified. ADA certification requires an application process.

ADA Service differs from SMART Connector Service in that ADA Service:

  • Mimics available Fixed Route service
    • Days and hours of operation are the same days and hours that the fixed route bus is in operation (consult individual route schedules)
    • Pick-up/drop-off addresses must be ¾ of a mile or less from a SMART Fixed Route bus stop
  • ADA trips are premium fare, $3.00 each way, including transfers
  • Personal care attendants (PCA) ride for free as long as your ADA certification specifies the need for a PCA.
  • When booking your ADA trip, you can request door-to-door paratransit service if approved by the ADA Coordinator.
  • ADA Paratransit Service eligibility is within Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Monroe counties.

Who is Eligible?

  • A person with a disability who cannot get on, off or ride an accessible Fixed Route bus due to their disability is unconditionally eligible. For example, persons with developmental or cognitive impairments often qualify under this category.
  • A person whose disability prevents them from getting to a Fixed Route bus stop is conditionally eligible. For example, if construction, lack of a sidewalk, or snow prevents access, the rider is eligible for ADA service until conditions improve/change.

For ADA Guidelines, click here.
If you think you are eligible for ADA Service, click here for more information to download an application, Request for Professional Verification Form, and application instructions. For detailed information, please download our ADA Brochure.

If further help is needed, please contact the ADA department at 313-223-2193.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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